Okan Yikmis,土耳其伊斯坦布尔的设计师
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Okan Yikmis

Verified Expert  in Design


Istanbul, Turkey
March 27, 2021

Okan是一名高级产品设计师,在代理和企业环境中拥有十多年的经验. 他的专长包括网络, responsive design, 应用技术, design principles, and prototyping. 奥坎为一家电视和广播公司设计的作品获得了5分,000,一年内下载量达到了1000次,达到了250次,000用户在一个竞争激烈的空间. 他对金融科技有专家级的了解, telecommunication, retail, entertainment, technology, education, 以及航空业.


Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
土耳其广播电视公司(TRT) - TRT Dinle
  • 领导设计和白板会议. 创建视觉设计和规格、草图、线框图和交互原型. 确保每件作品都符合pulse的视觉和可用性质量标准.
  • 确定产品方向和重点, 与产品经理和领导层合作,就优先考虑的事项做出关键决定.
  • 监督所有设计方面,并领导数字品牌标识和相关内容排版, colors, guideline rules, 服务设计材料.
  • 与敏捷协作, 多学科团队评估所建议的功能的可行性,并创建分阶段的开发方法.
  • 为移动设备设计用户友好的屏幕, web, TVs, 和汽车屏幕,同时聘请用户研究人员,以确保每个设计决策的用户体验质量都经过用户反馈的审查.
  • Achieved 5,000,一年内下载量达到了1000次,达到了250次,在测试发布阶段,在与全球竞争对手的激烈竞争中,在几个月内获得了5000名用户.
  • 与内部合作, external, 和c级利益相关者保持关注产品设计更新, 为即将到来的设计决策定义战略目标, 并确保定期沟通产品路线图和更新.
  • 领导产品的数字营销策略和设计,使其在数字平台上取得成功. 与其他团队合作,以确保我们使用的解决方案和一致的模式,激发参与.
  • 创建生产就绪的设计资产,并与工程师合作,确保交付高质量的体验.
技术:Figma, Sketch, Principle, InVision, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), Wireframing, Prototyping, User Research, 客户体验, UI Branding, Visual Assets, 屋宇装备设计, Service Design, Mobile App Design, Web Design, Responsive Design, Typography, FontLab, Adobe After Effects, Web App UX, Web App UI, 高保真原型, Web App Design, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, UX Design, UI Design, iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Audio Streaming, Music Streaming, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, Leadership, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, 内容管理系统(CMS), UX Research, Design Sprints, Mobile, Web, User Journeys, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), User Flows, TV UI, 响应式Web应用, UI Animation, High-end Design, Mockups, UX Wireframes, UX Architecture, Card Sorting, UX Wireflows, Responsive UI, System Design, B2C, Product Design, Video Streaming, Web & 移动应用程序, UX Strategy, Rewards Programs, Product Roadmaps, App Design, Loyalty Schemes, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, Mobile Design, Social Networks, UI Components, Style Guides, Material Design, Design Thinking, 低保真原型, Web Applications, Insurance, Design Leadership, Interface Design, Podcasting, Audio, User Testing, Design Strategy, Entertainment & 休闲,旅行地图,社交媒体,视频 & Audio Processing


2018 - 2019
TRT(多项目)TRT Belgesel-TRT İzle-TRT Çocuk
  • 领导儿童娱乐平台的重新设计, 重新设计视频流媒体服务, 以及TRT(土耳其广播电视)全新的纪录片频道平台, 包括视频和音频处理.
  • 支持设计理念, 功能规范, 以及通过创建动作来指导项目的交互设计, grid, and UI guides, as needed.
  • 与内部利益相关者和客户团队沟通设计理念和概念.
  • 创造并呈现用户体验理念, wireframes, and user flows, 使用以人为中心的设计实践,包括基于客户研究和最佳实践的基本原理.
  • 参与设计研究、用户研究和可用性测试.
  • 与其他产品负责人保持联系, leads, 管理者要确保产品和平台之间的一致性.
  • 在数字和品牌项目上与客户合作.
技术:草图, Adobe Photoshop, Figma, Cinema 4D, Cover Design, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), User Interviews, Material Design, App UI, App UX, Design Principles, Prototyping, Web App UX, Web App UI, 高保真原型, Web App Design, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, UX Design, UI Design, iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, Leadership, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, 内容管理系统(CMS), UX Research, Design Sprints, Mobile, Web, User Journeys, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), Wireframing, User Flows, TV UI, 响应式Web应用, UI Animation, High-end Design, Mockups, UX Wireframes, UX Architecture, Card Sorting, UX Wireflows, Responsive UI, System Design, B2C, Product Design, Video Streaming, Web & 移动应用程序, UX Strategy, Rewards Programs, Product Roadmaps, App Design, Loyalty Schemes, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, Mobile Design, Social Networks, UI Components, Style Guides, Design Thinking, 低保真原型, Web Applications, Insurance, Jira, Mobile App Design, Design Leadership, Interface Design, Podcasting, Audio, User Testing, Design Strategy, Entertainment & 休闲,旅行地图,社交媒体,视频 & Audio Processing


2017 - 2019
TRT World
  • 从最初阶段到最终产品都有自己的想法.
  • 评估和解释用户研究结果,以线框图或原型解决方案.
  • 在设计完成后对其进行审计. 创建草图、线框图和交互原型.
  • Ran设计工作坊, brainstorming, 以及设计会议,将利益相关者和其他人带到产品开发过程中.
  • 与产品业务中的关键人物合作, editorial, marketing, 和数据团队一起实现共同目标.
  • 通过设计和交付演示,与主要合作伙伴沟通进度和设计原理.
  • 测试和迭代概念和设计,探索理想的未来想法. 确定以更好的方式满足客户需求的新的交互解决方案和模式.
技术:草图, InVision, Figma, User Research, App UI, App UX, Web UX, Web UI, Prototyping, UX Prototyping, Web App UX, Web App UI, 高保真原型, Web App Design, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), UX Design, UI Design, iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, Leadership, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, 内容管理系统(CMS), UX Research, Design Sprints, Mobile, Web, User Journeys, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), Wireframing, User Flows, 响应式Web应用, UI Animation, High-end Design, Mockups, UX Wireframes, UX Architecture, Card Sorting, UX Wireflows, Responsive UI, System Design, B2C, Product Design, Video Streaming, UX Strategy, Rewards Programs, Product Roadmaps, App Design, Loyalty Schemes, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, Mobile Design, Social Networks, UI Components, Style Guides, Material Design, Design Thinking, 低保真原型, Web Applications, Insurance, Jira, Mobile App Design, Design Leadership, Interface Design, Audio, User Testing, Design Strategy, Entertainment & 休闲、旅行地图、社交媒体

UI/UX Design Lead

2015 - 2017
  • 使用创造性的设计思维方法领导UI/UX项目, 为知名企业提供网页设计和软件解决方案. 我指导了我们所有产品的设计.
  • 精心制作互动故事和引人入胜的品牌体验.
  • 利用新一代互动趋势,创建丰富的网站和移动应用程序设计.
技术:Agile sprint, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Museums & Exhibits, 身临其境的体验, App UI, App UX, Web UX, Web UI, Web App UX, Web App UI, 高保真原型, Web App Design, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, Food & Beverage, eCommerce, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), UX Design, Education, UI Design, 学习管理系统(LMS), iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, Health & 健康、金融科技、银行业 & Finance, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, Leadership, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Financial Design, Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, UX Research, Design Sprints, Mobile, Web, User Journeys, 电子商务网页设计, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, Figma, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), Wireframing, User Flows, 响应式Web应用, High-end Design, Mockups, UX Wireframes, UX Architecture, Card Sorting, UX Wireflows, Responsive UI, eCommerce UI, eCommerce UX, B2C, Product Design, UX Strategy, Rewards Programs, Product Roadmaps, App Design, Loyalty Schemes, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, Mobile Design, Social Networks, UI Components, Style Guides, Material Design, Design Thinking, 低保真原型, Web Applications, Insurance, Jira, Mobile App Design, Design Leadership, Interface Design, User Testing, Design Strategy, Entertainment & Leisure

UX/UI Design Lead

2014 - 2015
  • 在代理公司为主要品牌Turkcell领导所有UX/UI设计的创意方向. 监督《欧博体育app下载》的美术指导.com.tr. 交付网络和应用程序设计Turkcell.com.tr和Turkcell移动接口.
  • 通过理解客户期望并提供相应的服务,创造良好的客户体验.
  • 把用户放在创新的、独特的、有益的体验的中心.
技术:草图, Adobe Photoshop, Web App UX, Web App UI, 高保真原型, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, eCommerce, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), UX Design, UI Design, iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, Health & Wellness, Banking & Finance, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Finance, Financial Design, Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, UX Research, Design Sprints, Mobile, Web, User Journeys, 电子商务网页设计, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, UX Wireframes, Product Design, UX Strategy, Product Roadmaps, App Design, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, Social Networks, UI Components, Style Guides, Design Thinking, 低保真原型, Web Applications, Jira, Mobile App Design, Entertainment & Leisure


2013 - 2014
Wise Agency
  • Led UX strategies, 进行了研究, 通过以用户为中心的设计制作线框图, 接口和交互的概念原型.
  • 根据用户调研创建UI界面. 为那些自定义接口开发样式表.
  • 为沃达丰(Vodafone)等公司设计网站和移动应用程序, Akbank, Pointapp, FırsatbuFırsat, and Mekan.com.
技术:草图, Adobe Photoshop, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, eCommerce, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), UX Design, Education, UI Design, 学习管理系统(LMS), iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, Banking & Finance, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Finance, Financial Design, Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, UX Research, Design Sprints, Mobile, Web, 电子商务网页设计, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, UX Wireframes, Product Roadmaps, App Design, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, UI Components, Style Guides, Web Applications, Healthcare, Mobile App Design, Entertainment & Leisure


2012 - 2013
  • 负责Garanti BBVA银行的用户体验和用户界面设计.
  • 为特定流创建图标资产和3D图标.
  • 设计并指导网站及推广品牌项目的美术指导.
  • 2012-2015年获得Garanti BBVA银行网站最佳交互设计网站奖.
技术:草图, Adobe Photoshop, Website Redesign, eCommerce, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), UX Design, UI Design, iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, Fintech, Banking & Finance, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, 高保真原型, Experience Design, 交互设计, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, UX Research, Mobile, Web, 电子商务网页设计, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, UX Wireframes, App Design, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, UI Components, Web Applications, Healthcare, Mobile App Design, Entertainment & 休闲、社交媒体


2009 - 2012
MediaCom Agency
  • 设计并策划了伊斯坦布尔现代艺术博物馆的展览设计.
  • 根据客户品牌标识为媒体设计了50多个设计, 包括名片, flyers, brochures, 还有展览用的杂志.
  • 为选定的展览设计信息亭界面.
技术:Adobe Photoshop,品牌,Adobe Illustrator, Apple Keynote,印刷设计,博物馆 & Exhibits, Digital Kiosks, 交互设计(IxD), Website Redesign, eCommerce, 用户体验(UX), UX Design, UI Design, iOS, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, White Labeling, 意念研讨会, 高保真原型, Experience Design, 交互设计, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Visual Design, UX Research, Mobile, Web, 电子商务网页设计, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, UX Wireframes, App Design, 功能的优先级, UI Components, Web Applications, Healthcare, Entertainment & Leisure
2013 - 2015



2009 - 2013



2006 - 2009










Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, KeyShot, Jira, Adobe After Effects, Maxon Cinema 4D, Sketch, Principle, InVision, Apple Keynote, InVision Studio, Zeplin, Cinema 4D

Industry Expertise

Games, Food & 饮料、教育、银行 & Finance, Retail & 批发,医疗保健,娱乐 & Leisure, Health & 健康、保险




Typography, Digital Kiosks, 用户体验(UX), 用户界面(UI), 创造性地解决问题, Branding, 信息架构(IA), Product Design, Service Design, Web Design, Mobile App Design, Wireframing, Visual Assets, 屋宇装备设计, Responsive Design, Rapid Sketching, Type Design, Design Leadership, 交互设计(IxD), Digital Branding, 3D, Art Direction, Creative Direction, Design Production, UX Audits, UI Audits, UX Strategy, Product Strategy, Scrum Master, Agile UX, Agile Sprints, Kanban, 以用户为中心的设计, Motion Interaction, Design Systems, 虚拟现实应用设计, 身临其境的体验, User Flows, Video Streaming, Responsive UI, Material Design, Prototyping, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Dashboard Design, Web App UX, Web App UI, 高保真原型, Web App Design, Website Redesign, 尝试设计, eCommerce, UX Design, UI Design, Mobile App UI, Mobile UI Design, Mobile Design, Audio Streaming, Mobile UX, Mobile UI, Gamification, Leadership, 意念研讨会, White Labeling, Fintech, Brand Guidelines, 高保真原型, Finance, Financial Design, Social Networks, Social Media Apps, Mobile UX Design, Mixed Reality (MR), Experience Design, 交互设计, Customer Journeys, Mobile Apps, Ideation, User Retention, Graphic Design, Visual Design, 内容管理系统(CMS), UX Research, Design Sprints, eCommerce UI, eCommerce UX, User Journeys, 以人为本的设计, Atomic Design, Agile, Iconography, 响应式Web应用, UI Animation, Live Entertainment, 视频点播(VOD), Audio Services, High-end Design, Mockups, UX Wireframes, UX Architecture, 交互原型, Card Sorting, UX Wireflows, System Design, B2C, Web & 移动应用程序, Rewards Programs, Product Roadmaps, App Design, Loyalty Schemes, UX Assessment, 功能的优先级, UI Components, Style Guides, Design Thinking, 低保真原型, Web Applications, Interface Design, Podcasting, Audio, User Testing, Design Strategy, Journey Mapping, Mobile First, Social Media, Font Design, FontLab, TV UI, 学习管理系统(LMS), Unity3D, 电子商务网页设计, Animation, Edtech Design, GUI Design, User Research, 客户体验, UI Branding, News, App UX, App UI, Web UI, Web UX, 体验策略, Content Strategy, Usability Testing, Audits, Videos, 营销材料, Cover Design, 数码品牌识别, Kids, Kids & 家庭、任务流程、游戏平台、社区、游戏设计、博物馆 & Exhibits, User Interviews, Design Principles, UX Prototyping, Print Design, Startups, SaaS Design, Channels, OTT (over -top Content), CarPlay, Logo Design, SaaS, Enterprise SaaS, 软件即服务(SaaS), CMS简化(CMSMS), Video & Audio Processing





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