Sam Flaherty, Designer in 英国伦敦
Sam is available for hire
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Sam Flaherty

验证专家  in Design



Toptal资深设计师,拥有近2,在他的带领下完成了000个小时, Sam collaborates globally with like-minded clients such as Google, Citibank, Hugo Boss, YouTube, and Levi's to ensure clear and effective communication with their audiences. He has over 15 years of experience in the fields of graphic design, 品牌创建, 数字设计, 创造性思维.




  • Engaged as a consultant and creative director on numerous projects for various SMBEs, helping companies establish a creative strategy, vision, 关键路径. Built, briefed, and led creative teams to realize that vision.
  • Worked on a conceptual project for Google (while at MultiAdaptor in London)—making use of new and interesting interactive technologies and presenting our concepts at the Google Headquarters.
  • Created (while at Wordsearch in London) a logo and visual identity for the Scalpel, a new skyscraper set to change the face of London's skyline.
  • Conceptualized (while at Grey in London) an advertising campaign for Hugo Boss and created concepts for a range of new special edition packaging.
  • Built a variety of work that has been published in a number of books and digital platforms.
  • Conducted interviews for the likes of The 品牌标识 and Victionary, as well as having features on Behance and The Dots.
  • Designed and oversaw (while in Paris) the development of We The People, a fashion, lifestyle, 和网上旅游目的地. 该网站在SiteInspire上得到了推荐.com.
技术:Adobe Suite, 艺术指导, Advertising, Branding, 视觉设计, UI Design, UI Branding, 视觉讲故事, Prototyping, Web UI, Web Design, Adobe CC, Mockups, Digital, 创意方向, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, 插画家CC, WordPress, eCommerce, 电子商务的用户界面, 电子商务网站的设计, Shopify设计, Logotype, 自定义标识, Wireframing, UX Design, WordPress的设计, Web UX, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Web, Adobe, 视觉识别, 沟通, 演讲, 数字创意方向, 创意设计, Print Media, Writing & Editing, Website CMS, 名片设计, Posters, 电子商务网页设计, Startups, 小型企业设计, 网格系统, Identity, Yoga, Coding, Typography, Fashion, Blogger, Jewelry, Travel & Leisure, Real Estate, Investments, UI Grid, 平面设计, 社交媒体, App Design, Apps, 用户界面(UI), 设计策略, 营销设计, 移动网页设计, Web Fonts, 颜色选择, 奢侈品行业, 数字品牌, 产品设计, Mobile, 软件即服务(SaaS), 数据可视化, 用户体验线框图, 布局设计, 登陆页面设计, 响应式Web应用, 用户体验(UX), Web应用程序设计, 利益相关者的采访, User Flows, 设计工作室, 风格指南, 人工智能(AI), 用户研究, UX Strategy, 设计系统, 用户的旅行, 交互设计(IxD), Pitch Decks, 演示设计, Logo Design, Print, 抵押品的设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销活动设计, Instagram, Adobe Creative Suite, 品牌指导方针, 通讯设计, 插图, 响应用户界面, 调色板, B2C, 面向消费者的产品设计, Fintech, Mailchimp, WordPress主题, 通信设计, 信息图, Pitch Deck顾问, 网络广告标语, 旗帜设计, Marketing, 包装设计, Brand Books, 网页用户体验设计, Adobe体验设计(XD), B2B, 网站建设者, 时装设计, Brand Logos, LinkedIn营销, Iconography, 配色方案, 品牌标识, 投资者的演讲, 移动应用设计, 数码品牌识别, Rebranding, Mobile UI, 品牌生态系统, 市场研究, 品牌战略, 网站设计, 竞争分析, 印刷材料, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 数字营销策略, Brochures, 界面原型设计, 消费金融, 文具设计, Squarespace, 登陆页面, Webflow, Layout, UI开发, 药品, Health & Wellness, 生物技术, UX Audits, 可用性测试, HubSpot, 消费产品, Technology, iOS, 动画, 视觉设计语言, Print Ads, 编辑设计, 专业服务, Government, 奢侈品, SaaS, Packaging, 产品包装, 项目管理, 语气, Food & Beverage, Sports, Design, 环境图形, 妇女的健康, 消费者的行为, Healthcare, 插画家CS5, 微软演示文稿, Canva, 谷歌的幻灯片, Mining, Energy, Websites, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 美容产品, AI Design, Merchandise, Agriculture, 小型企业, 品牌定位, Banking & Finance, Desktop, 设计领导, Software, 协作, 产品发现, 生产管理, Fintech设计, Sketch, Figma, 登陆页设计师, After Effects CC, 排版, B2C营销, SaaS Design, 运动设计, Newsletters, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), UI Motion, Workshops


2022 - 2023
  • Helped to oversee the strategic rebranding of Carrot, a global fertility care provider.
  • Worked with the team to reconsider and redesign all brand touchpoints, 包括网站, social, 演示模板, flyers, billboards, and more.
  • Provided guidance and assistance to junior team members.
技术:视觉设计, Branding, Figma, Slack, UI Design, 艺术指导, 设计策略, Web Design, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 营销设计, Web UI, Adobe CC, Mockups, Digital, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, 插画家CC, Logotype, Web UX, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Web, Adobe, 视觉识别, 沟通, 演讲, 创意设计, Posters, 网格系统, Identity, Typography, 平面设计, 社交媒体, 用户界面(UI), 移动网页设计, Web Fonts, 颜色选择, 数字品牌, 产品设计, Mobile, 数据可视化, 布局设计, 风格指南, 用户研究, 设计系统, 演示设计, Logo Design, Print, 抵押品的设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销活动设计, Instagram, Adobe Creative Suite, 品牌指导方针, 响应用户界面, 调色板, 通信设计, 信息图, Brand Books, B2B, Brand Logos, LinkedIn营销, Iconography, 配色方案, 品牌标识, 数码品牌识别, Rebranding, Mobile UI, 品牌生态系统, 市场研究, 品牌战略, 网站设计, 竞争分析, 印刷材料, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 数字营销策略, Brochures, 文具设计, 登陆页面, Layout, UI开发, Health & Wellness, 动画, 视觉设计语言, 编辑设计, 专业服务, 项目管理, 语气, Design, 妇女的健康, 消费者的行为, Healthcare, 插画家CS5, 微软演示文稿, 谷歌的幻灯片, Websites, Merchandise, 品牌定位, Desktop, 设计领导, Software, 协作, 生产管理, 排版, B2C营销, 运动设计, Workshops


2020 - 2021
  • Worked on the repositioning of USA-based 法国的花店, a nationwide floral retailer.
  • Contributed to the full spectrum of identity elements, 包括标志, typeface, 调色板, 摄影艺术指导, 作为品牌重塑的一部分. I then applied these to various items, from the eCommerce website to packaging and billboards.
  • Advised on wireframing and designed the entire UI, as there was a critical focus placed on the company's eCommerce platform.
  • Supported the 法国的花店 team in liaising with developers to ensure the website was designed to a high standard.
  • Testimonial: "If you have the privilege of working with him, I suggest you don't miss your chance." – M. 首席执行官雅各布森.
技术:移动网页设计, Logotype, Web Fonts, 颜色选择, Branding, 奢侈品行业, eCommerce, eCommerce UX, 电子商务网站的设计, 电子商务的用户界面, 电子商务网页设计, 数字品牌, Posters, 网格系统, Identity, Typography, 平面设计, 社交媒体, App Design, Apps, 用户界面(UI), 设计策略, 营销设计, Mobile, 用户体验线框图, 布局设计, 用户体验(UX), User Flows, 用户研究, UX Strategy, 设计系统, 用户的旅行, 交互设计(IxD), 演示设计, 视觉设计, Logo Design, Print, 抵押品的设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销活动设计, Instagram, Adobe Creative Suite, 品牌指导方针, 通讯设计, 响应用户界面, 调色板, B2C, 面向消费者的产品设计, 仪表盘的设计, 通信设计, 网络广告标语, 旗帜设计, 包装设计, Brand Books, 网页用户体验设计, Brand Logos, Iconography, 配色方案, 品牌标识, 移动应用设计, Rebranding, Mobile UI, 品牌生态系统, 市场研究, 品牌战略, 网站设计, 竞争分析, 印刷材料, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 数字营销策略, Brochures, 文具设计, 登陆页面, Layout, UI开发, UX Audits, 可用性测试, 消费产品, iOS, 视觉设计语言, Print Ads, 编辑设计, 专业服务, 奢侈品, UX Design, 产品设计, Packaging, 产品包装, 项目管理, 语气, Design, 消费者的行为, 插画家CS5, 谷歌的幻灯片, Websites, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 转化率优化(CRO), Web应用程序设计, Merchandise, 品牌定位, Desktop, 设计领导, Software, 协作, 产品发现, 生产管理, Figma, 排版, B2C营销, Newsletters, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), UI Motion, Workshops


2011 - 2013
  • Led the art direction and designed numerous print and digital projects for a range of brands such as Penguin Publishing, Woolworths, Red Bull, and more.
  • Communicated with clients, attended briefing meetings, and presented work.
  • Created a full studio rebrand during my time at the agency.
  • Worked on-location art directing photo and video shoots.
  • Mentored interns and junior designers—acting as a senior designer/art director.
技术:Adobe Suite, 视觉设计, UI Design, UI Branding, 视觉讲故事, Prototyping, Web UI, Web Design, Branding, Adobe CC, Mockups, Digital, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, 插画家CC, WordPress, eCommerce, 电子商务的用户界面, 电子商务网站的设计, Shopify设计, Logotype, 自定义标识, Wireframing, UX Design, WordPress的设计, Web UX, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Web, Adobe, 视觉识别, 沟通, 演讲, 数字创意方向, 创意设计, Print Media, Advertising, Writing & Editing, Website CMS, 名片设计, Posters, 电子商务网页设计, Startups, 小型企业设计, 网格系统, Identity, Typography, UI Grid, 平面设计, App Design, Apps, 用户界面(UI), 设计策略, 营销设计, 移动网页设计, Web Fonts, 颜色选择, 奢侈品行业, 数字品牌, 产品设计, Mobile, 用户体验线框图, 布局设计, 登陆页面设计, 响应式Web应用, 用户体验(UX), User Flows, Pitch Decks, 演示设计, Logo Design, Print, 抵押品的设计, 社交媒体设计, 营销活动设计, Instagram, Adobe Creative Suite, 品牌指导方针, 通讯设计, 插图, 响应用户界面, 调色板, B2C, 面向消费者的产品设计, 仪表盘的设计, Mailchimp, WordPress主题, 通信设计, 网络广告标语, 旗帜设计, Marketing, 包装设计, Brand Books, 网页用户体验设计, B2B, 网站建设者, 时装设计, Brand Logos, Iconography, 配色方案, 品牌标识, 数码品牌识别, Rebranding, Mobile UI, 品牌生态系统, 市场研究, 品牌战略, 网站设计, 竞争分析, 印刷材料, 社交媒体营销(SMM), 数字营销策略, Brochures, 文具设计, 登陆页面, Layout, UI开发, Health & Wellness, 消费产品, Technology, iOS, 动画, 视觉设计语言, Print Ads, 编辑设计, 专业服务, 奢侈品, SaaS, Packaging, 产品包装, 项目管理, 语气, Design, 消费者的行为, Healthcare, 插画家CS5, Websites, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 美容产品, Merchandise, 小型企业, 品牌定位, Banking & Finance, Desktop, 设计领导, Software, 协作, 排版, B2C营销, UI Motion


2010 - 2011
  • Worked on creative projects for Citibank—producing campaigns and print collateral.
  • Communicated directly with clients—managing the projects that I was responsible for.
  • Presented work and gave pitches directly to clients.
技术:Adobe Suite, 视觉设计, UI Design, UI Branding, 视觉讲故事, Prototyping, Web UI, Web Design, Branding, Adobe CC, Mockups, Digital, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, 插画家CC, WordPress, eCommerce, 电子商务的用户界面, 电子商务网站的设计, Logotype, 自定义标识, WordPress的设计, Web UX, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Web, Adobe, 视觉识别, 沟通, 演讲, 数字创意方向, 创意设计, Print Media, Advertising, Writing & Editing, Website CMS, 名片设计, Posters, 电子商务网页设计, Startups, 小型企业设计, 网格系统, Identity, Typography, Real Estate, UI Grid, 平面设计, App Design, Apps, 用户界面(UI), 设计策略, 营销设计, 移动网页设计, Web Fonts, 颜色选择, 奢侈品行业, 数字品牌, 产品设计, Mobile, 用户体验线框图, 布局设计, 登陆页面设计, 响应式Web应用, 用户体验(UX), 演示设计, Logo Design, Print, 抵押品的设计, 营销活动设计, Instagram, Adobe Creative Suite, 插图, 响应用户界面, 调色板, B2C, 面向消费者的产品设计, 仪表盘的设计, WordPress主题, 通信设计, 网络广告标语, 旗帜设计, Marketing, 包装设计, Brand Books, 网站建设者, 时装设计, Brand Logos, Iconography, 配色方案, 品牌标识, 数码品牌识别, Rebranding, 品牌生态系统, 品牌战略, 网站设计, 竞争分析, 印刷材料, Brochures, 文具设计, Layout, UI开发, 消费产品, iOS, 视觉设计语言, Print Ads, 编辑设计, 专业服务, Packaging, 产品包装, 项目管理, 语气, Food & Beverage, Design, 消费者的行为, 插画家CS5, Websites, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 小型企业, 品牌定位, Banking & Finance, Desktop, Software, 登陆页设计师, 排版


2009 - 2010
  • Created a campaign for New Zealand Library Week, including overseeing the onsite photographic art direction at Wellington Library. The campaign was featured heavily throughout New Zealand libraries.
  • Designed a campaign for New Zealand Conservation Week, 包括创造概念, pitch, 插图, 以及所有印刷和在线的宣传材料.
  • Designed and developed websites for clients using Samdog's proprietary content management system.
技术:Adobe Suite, 视觉设计, UI Design, UI Branding, 视觉讲故事, Prototyping, Web UI, Web Design, Branding, Adobe CC, Mockups, Digital, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, 插画家CC, eCommerce, 电子商务的用户界面, 电子商务网站的设计, Logotype, 自定义标识, UX Design, WordPress的设计, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Web, Adobe, 视觉识别, 沟通, 演讲, 数字创意方向, 创意设计, Print Media, Advertising, Writing & Editing, Website CMS, 名片设计, Posters, 电子商务网页设计, 小型企业设计, 网格系统, Identity, Typography, 平面设计, 用户界面(UI), 设计策略, 营销设计, 移动网页设计, Web Fonts, 颜色选择, 奢侈品行业, 数字品牌, 布局设计, 演示设计, Logo Design, Print, 抵押品的设计, 营销活动设计, Adobe Creative Suite, 调色板, B2C, WordPress主题, 通信设计, 网络广告标语, 旗帜设计, Marketing, 包装设计, Brand Books, Brand Logos, 配色方案, 品牌标识, Rebranding, 品牌生态系统, 网站设计, 竞争分析, 印刷材料, Brochures, 文具设计, Layout, Print Ads, 编辑设计, Government, 产品包装, Design, 插画家CS5, Websites, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 小型企业, 品牌定位, Desktop, 排版

Art Director

2008 - 2010
  • Determined the design direction and was responsible for the layout articles.
  • Collaborated with the writers to create interesting, readable articles.
  • Managed the print production and proofed the magazine before it went to press.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Web Design, Adobe CC, Mockups, Digital, Photoshop CC, InDesign CC, 插画家CC, Logotype, 自定义标识, Web, Adobe, 视觉识别, 创意设计, Print Media, Writing & Editing, Posters, 网格系统, Identity, Typography, 布局设计, Logo Design, Print, Adobe Creative Suite, 调色板, 通信设计, Brand Logos, 配色方案, 品牌生态系统, 印刷材料, 文具设计, Layout, Print Ads, 编辑设计, 插画家CS5, Websites, 小型企业, 品牌定位, 排版
2006 - 2007


University of Victoria - Wellington, New Zealand

2003 - 2006





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