
Showing 1-7 of 7 results


Future-proof Your Android Code, Part 2: 功能 Reactive Programming in Action

The functional reactive programming (FRP) paradigm is becoming increasingly mainstream. In this installment, we discuss FRP essentials like system design and libraries, and implement a sample application.

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Iliyan Germanov

Iliyan Germanov

The Foundations of 功能 Reactive Programming in Android

This tutorial explores the mathematical concepts behind two key programming paradigms, functional programming and reactive programming, so you can build long-lasting Android architecture.

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Iliyan Germanov

Iliyan Germanov

Top-level Control With Redux State Management: A ClojureScript Tutorial

ClojureScript is the tool of choice for front-end developers who have tried it. Recently in this series, we showed how to use it to get started with React. In today’s tutorial, Toptal Freelance Clojure Developer 卢克·汤姆林 dives into how to use Redux for React state management in ClojureScript.

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Unearthing ClojureScript for Front-end Development

ClojureScript and its multiparadigm approach (with an emphasis on functional programming) may sound esoteric to some front-end developers. But it’s amazing to work with, and getting started with it is far simpler than one might imagine. In this tutorial, Toptal Freelance Clojure Developer 卢克·汤姆林 shows off some key features, getting straight into a React demo using Reagent and the Hiccup syntax.

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Getting Started with the Elm Programming Language

Elm is a purely functional, strongly typed, reactive, and event-driven web client language. It takes a step back from the norms and really changes the way you reason about and program web application front-ends.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer 笔电Djapic takes you through the exotic concepts of Elm and its pros and cons in real world use.

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Meet RxJava: The Missing Reactive Programming Library for Android

Implementing applications that deal with complex concurrent behavior has always been a challenging aspect of programming. Various paradigms exist that promise a solution to this problem in different ways. RxJava is a Java library that enables 功能 Reactive Programming in Android development. It raises the level of abstraction around threading in order to simplify the implementation of complex concurrent behavior.

In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Christopher Arriola gives us a detailed walkthrough of RxJava and how it fits into the realm of Android development.

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Christopher Arriola

Christopher Arriola

Getting Started with the 长生不老药 Programming Language

长生不老药, 一个动态, functional programming language, is designed for building scalable and maintainable applications with a simple, 现代, and tidy syntax. Although it is easy to understand, 长生不老药’s approach to concurrency and its data type nuances require some getting used to.

In this article, Toptal engineer Kleber Virgilio Correia gives us a comprehensive guide to the various basic data types in that are available in 长生不老药.

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Kleber Virgilio Correia

Kleber Virgilio Correia

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