Hanzel Corella, Product Manager in Houston, TX, United States
Hanzel is available for hire
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Hanzel Corella

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Houston, TX, United States
Toptal Member Since
November 11, 2019

For over 10 years, Hanzel一直在为创业公司和财富500强公司推出新产品. He's worked in eCommerce, energy, consumer foods, healthcare, fintech, ride-sharing, the internet of things (IoT), and solar power industries. As a product consultant, digital marketer, and director of a creative agency, Hanzel is well-versed in digital marketing, UX design, and web and mobile development. 他将帮助你获得新客户,同时改善你的营销渠道策略.

Project Highlights

Direct Your Energy
Pay On Delivery
为Craigslist和Facebook Marketplace等点对点市场带来了类似亚马逊prime的体验.


Work Experience

Product Marketing Manager

2023 - PRESENT
  • Launched marketing campaigns to test product value props, confirm market research, and acquire new customers. 将每次安装成本从200美元降至40美元,CTR达到3%.
  • 为包括远程医疗和产后应用程序在内的新数字产品制定市场策略. Acquired and interviewed the first 100 patients.
  • 利用客户洞察,就其数字产品组合向管理层提供咨询, interviews and market research.

Head of Product

2019 - PRESENT
Pay On Delivery
  • Contributed to documenting and implementing every field, attribute, and business rule associated with MasterCard Send, Facebook Pay, and Uber APIs meticulously.
  • Developed marketing strategies and hired a team of content, video, 和社交媒体经理提高转化率,并将CTA降至2美元以下.
  • 设计新的用户体验(UX),提高100%的转化率. It required the creation of new technology stack and roadmap.
  • Conducted market research in the fintech industry. 访问客户以生成引人注目的用例、新品牌和新产品特性.
  • Redesigned the homepage and subsequent user journeys. Wrote the content, tested it using A/B methodology, and launched a new brand, which increased the conversion rate by over 100%.

Data Scientist

2023 - 2023
Blue River Technology - John Deere
  • 研究和挖掘来自政府和非营利性资源的采矿和运输设备的大数据集. 使用Tableau为整个产品团队和管理层可视化数据.
  • 将机器学习模型和统计方法应用于牵引设备数据集,以识别趋势并确定预测设备故障和事故的因素, specifically severe injuries and deaths.
  • 向高级管理层汇报我们的数据分析结果, 包括如何将这些发现应用于向大型企业客户销售自动运输和挖掘设备.


2020 - 2021
  • 建立一个基于规则的自动化平台,用于管理亚马逊和沃尔玛等电子商务网站的多个关键字活动. 我们的工具每月管理超过1000万美元的支出,并提高了效率.
  • 与FLNA和PBNA的销售总监合作,从各种零售商那里获取缺货信息,并向现场代表发送警报和通知, increasing our eCommerce fulfilled orders by 5–10%.
  • 领导重新设计我们的电子商务销售情报平台. 为这个数据分析工具的页面、表格和可视化编写需求.

Managing Director

2017 - 2019
Elevation Studio
  • Sold over $1 million in tech, design, and marketing services.
  • 将代理团队从5人扩大到50人,分布在三个国家.
  • 开发并推出了十多个面向消费者的移动应用程序、网站和创业公司.
  • 作为顾问在内部和外部实现设计思维和敏捷开发流程.

Product Manager

2016 - 2016
  • 为控制美国Hive品牌智能设备套件的移动应用程序制定市场策略.
  • 协同为我们的能源洞察在线平台设计新功能并编写需求.
  • Prepared market research, web analytics, and presentations.
  • Initiated technology pilots to validate business cases.

Product Manager

2014 - 2016
Direct Energy
  • 推出了两个面向客户的500万美元项目,提高了留存率, on-time payments, and differentiation.
  • 领导一个跨职能团队创建了一个移动应用程序和在线能源洞察平台,可供600多万用户使用.
  • 通过将家庭物联网设备与能源合同相结合,开发了一种销售捆绑工具,影响了60%的新销售额.
  • Evaluated new value propositions.
  • 建立并管理与合作伙伴和供应商的关系,最终获得2000万美元的风险收购.

Process Engineer

2011 - 2013
Direct Energy
  • 简化了从客户登记到商品对冲的流程,使我们的运营盈利能力提高了6%.
  • 利用计量经济学技术改进了客户消费回归模型,设计了一个针对200多万住宅和商业客户的新的短期预测系统.

Direct Your Energy



你是否厌倦了每隔30天就收到一大笔能源账单? 现在你可以看到你的家庭每天在电力上的花费.

With our new machine learning techniques, 我们可以告诉你哪些电器造成了你大部分的电费,并建议你减少电费的方法.



Soundmob移动应用程序允许用户同步多部智能手机和蓝牙扬声器,以同时流式传输音乐. 该功能不仅可以放大声音,还具有有趣的社交功能,如制作协作播放列表和实时轮流担任DJ.

Club House Now

领导豪华高尔夫球场首个Uber Eats体验的产品设计和开发. Now the clubhouse comes to you.

ClubCorp owns over 100 luxury golf courses across the world. Club House Now的体验配备了移动应用程序和销售点(POS)系统,可以提供一致的全渠道客户体验,使点餐变得有趣和方便, scheduling tee times, and using club amenities.

Pay On Delivery


为Craigslist和Facebook Marketplace等点对点市场带来了类似亚马逊prime的体验.

货到付款(Pay On Delivery)为人与人之间的交易提供在线支付和运输服务,这些交易通常在停车场通过现金进行. 新的POD流程将使在Facebook Marketplace和OfferUp上购买商品变得安全方便.
2009 - 2011

Master's Degree in Economics

Boston University - Boston, MA, USA

2005 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
