Michael Reda,美国科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的项目经理
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Michael Reda

Verified Expert  in Project Management

Project Manager

Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Toptal Member Since
April 9, 2021

Michael has extensive experience in engineering, 在不同行业的工程项目领导中始终如一. 他擅长组织任务和资源,以提供一致和高质量的结果. Michael喜欢每天领导团队和项目,并推动客户满意度.

Project Highlights

Program Financial Manager
Created resource allocation and financial tracking tools, from input to dashboards, 一个中型软件公司的技术现代化项目.
Next Generation Product Development
Business Intelligence Project Champion


Work Experience

Director of Program Management

2019 - 2020
Quantum Imaging
  • Drove a critical customer program from development to production, managing customer requirements, product validation, 在制定交付计划以满足客户期望的同时发布文档.
  • 开发项目报告工具,通过突出显示关键指标的仪表板提高产品状态的可见性.
  • 向工程组织介绍项目管理原则, beginning culture shift towards more structured task management, reducing waste, 提高预测负荷和工程完工的能力.

Director of Systems Engineering

2013 - 2019
  • 担任项目经理,负责实施政府授权的新功能, deriving technical requirements from government documentation, building project plan, and monitoring execution, finishing the project on time and budget.
  • 与产品管理团队合作,从产品中提取核心价值,并将其交付给下一代产品的新客户. 帮助开发新的固件、后端基础设施、用户门户和硬件.
  • 通过改变缺失需求和长时间运行的项目的跟踪记录以及改进需求文档,改善了工程团队在公司范围内的感知, project monitoring and control, and communication.

Principal Systems Engineer

2005 - 2013
Harris Corporation
  • 推动过程改进,获得CMMI三级认证, 与内部审计人员一起审查所需的文件和工件,以提高竞争力,并为持续的成功定位部门.
  • 担任多个国际防务客户项目的项目经理, from requirements development to in-country commissioning, overseeing schedule and budget.
  • 与客户和销售团队紧密合作,开发系统需求并管理工程提案活动,以获得新的机会. Lived and worked as an expat at an overseas office.

Program Financial Manager

Created resource allocation and financial tracking tools, from input to dashboards, 一个中型软件公司的技术现代化项目.

设计并实现了一组工具,用于跟踪技术现代化计划中跨多个项目的资源分配和相关成本. 创建流程以确保信息收集的一致性,并与项目经理密切合作以保持准确的记录. 开发预算跟踪和预测报告和仪表板,与项目领导和会计团队分享财务状况. 最终获得了这些过程和工具的支持和接受, 使规划团队能够使用来自它们的信息进行资源规划.

Next Generation Product Development


与客户和产品管理紧密合作,为新产品开发开发用例和用户故事图, leveraging the company's existing value proposition in an improved, more focused offering. 与工程师一起为包含更新固件的范围构建史诗和用户故事, back-end infrastructure, and customer portal, with a roadmap that went from MVP to fully featured offering. Evaluated multiple hardware partners and selected top option, bringing hardware to market in parallel with internal development. Tracked project execution against the plan, ensuring visibility and clear communication with stakeholders. The project was completed on time and budget, 在最初的目标时间框架内,客户在启动时进行安装.

ELD Implementation

作为项目经理,负责实施新的FMCSA ELD规定,用于商业驾驶员服务时间跟踪.

制定一个项目计划,使遗留系统在FMCSA颁布新的联邦法规时更新. 创建开发新产品的时间表和资源负载需求, deploy to test customers, validate capabilities, and formally release before the mandated timeline. 与产品开发团队和产品管理层密切合作,制定关键里程碑, monitor work against those milestones, and report status, ensuring high confidence in the development team. 最终,团队实现了所有里程碑,并在计划预算范围内完成了工作. Validation at customer fleets was successful.

Deployable Communications Systems

Designed and built deployable, self-contained communication systems for remote FOBs, including ground communications, backhaul, backup power, and solar for multi-year, multi-phase contracts.

我管理技术团队和分包商,交付了一个通信系统,该系统覆盖了现有基础设施有限的偏远地区的数十个站点. 系统可以快速部署,并且可以作为独立系统运行, including ground communications for regional use, local area network, and backhaul to reach centrally located fixed sites. 站点可以用电池组来运行主电源和备用电源, gen-sets, and deployable solar arrays.

我还开发了一个模块化系统,使后续阶段能够使用使用相同基本模块的构建到打印方法进行交付, 允许快速交付未来的订单与最小的定制.

Business Intelligence Project Champion


与负责交付企业商业智能工具的团队协调日常活动, ensuring end user needs were met. This included establishing customer outreach cadence and content, evaluating user onboarding and training needs on an ongoing basis, 为应用程序和附加组件维持适当的许可,并提供适当的资金, 并确保项目发起人和其他关键利益相关者了解情况,并解决问题.
2006 - 2008

Master's Degree in Systems Engineering

Florida Institute of Technology - Melbourne, FL

1998 - 2002

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology

Rochester Institute of Technology - Rochester, NY


Project Management Professional (PMP)

Project Management Institute (PMI)

Collaboration That Works

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