Adam Bernot, Developer in Flagstaff, AZ, United States
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Adam Bernot

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Leadership Developer

Flagstaff, AZ, United States
Toptal Member Since
February 10, 2021

Adam is a software engineer specializing in back-end development, with additional expertise in DevOps and front-end development. 他喜欢使用Go、Kubernetes和云原生应用程序. 亚当在领导、多元化问题、协作和同情心方面拥有丰富的经验. He believes it's the people who make the work fantastic.


Google Cloud
Go, Kubernetes, Storage, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Storage
Bernot Software
Angular, CI/CD pipeline, Cloud Firestore, Docker, Firebase Authentication...
NC State University
PHP, WordPress, Go, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Laravel, CSS, SCSS, HTML...




Preferred Environment

Kubernetes, Go, Leadership, APIs, DevOps, CI/CD Pipelines, Software Engineering, Open Source, Cloud Native

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
Google Cloud
  • 构建并拥有Kubernetes控制器,用于管理Google分布式云托管产品的文件/块存储解决方案.
  • 通过定期盘点技术债务和解决重要问题,为存储库的整体代码健康状况做出贡献.
  • 担任Build Sheriff,处理导致自动测试同时落在项目上的许多或所有开发人员身上的问题. 快速诊断和纠正违规提交,使数百名开发人员恢复生产效率.
技术:Go, Kubernetes, Storage, Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Storage

Software Engineer

2019 - PRESENT
Bernot Software
  • 开发了一个应用程序,可以近乎实时地监控学生住房的可用性.
  • 为世界上最大的完全由学生管理的组织建立了一个认证项目跟踪系统.
  • 建立了一个跑步速度计算器,为有竞争力的跑步者希望预测他们在不同距离的比赛时间.
  • 与金融科技行业的客户合作,用Go语言构建一个微服务,处理与处理消费贷款相关的业务逻辑.
Technologies: Angular, CI/CD pipeline, Cloud Firestore, Docker, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, Git, Go, GitHub, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GraphQL, JavaScript, JSON, JSON REST APIs, Kubernetes, Authentication, Single-page Applications (SPA), Helm, Back-end, APIs, REST, REST APIs, RESTful Development, Web Architecture, Code Architecture, API Architecture, BEM, UX Architecture, Architecture, Angular Material, Material UI, Material Design, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Build, Express.js, PostgreSQL, JSON API, Testing, Back-end Development, Back-end Architecture, Protobuf, SQL, MariaDB, gRPC, HTTP, OpenTracing, Logging, Structured Logging, Datadog, Best Practices, Relational Databases, Amazon RDS, Static Analysis, SonarQube, OpenAPI, Swagger, YAML, Schemas, Multitenancy, Integration, API Integration, Containers, Containerization, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Lambda Functions, AWS Lambda

Web Developer

2019 - 2021
NC State University
  • 构建Shibboleth身份验证微服务,方便从传统基础设施迁移到Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)的云原生环境.
  • 维护和贡献了多个内部开发的WordPress插件.
  • Migrated student radio website (legacy custom PHP) to WordPress, 首次允许电台工作人员管理自己的内容.
  • Presented regularly. This included non-technical WordPress user training sessions, 以及关于扩展WordPress REST API和使用PHPUnit进行测试驱动开发等主题的技术演讲.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, Go, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Laravel, CSS, SCSS, HTML, Full-stack, WordPress Plugins, Back-end Development, Front-end Development, APIs, Linux, MySQL, MariaDB, Apache, Kubernetes, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), DNS, Containers, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud SQL, Helm, Back-end, PHP 7, Containerization, SQL

Assistant Director

2015 - 2018
Wake Forest University
  • 开发了与供应商API交互的工具,以简化业务流程.
  • Created the integration between the vendor system and Google Sheets.
  • 建立了Gmail和供应商系统之间的集成,在一个集中的位置跟踪学生和员工之间的互动.
Technologies: REST APIs, JSON REST APIs, Python, Python 3, Concurrency, Google Apps Script, APIs, Leadership, Team Leadership, Cross-functional Team Leadership, Cross-functional Collaboration


2011 - 2015
Spring Hill College
  • Managed an implementation project for a vendor software system.
  • 使用Google Apps Script和Google Sheets在网络上准备和呈现实时数据.
  • 曾在数据治理工作组任职,并在我的职责范围内担任数据管理员.
Technologies: Google Apps Script, APIs, Leadership, Team Leadership, Cross-functional Team Leadership, Cross-functional Collaboration

SRS: StarRez Superuser

SRS是一个命令行工具,它使用StarRez REST api简化了与StarRez(一个学生宿舍软件系统)的批量交互. 供应商提供的用于管理系统的web应用程序不包括执行某些常见任务所需的所有功能, so SRS extends those capabilities. Notably, SRS允许用户将一组记录(包括嵌套的/相关的记录)序列化为CSV格式(除了JSON),以便在电子表格程序中易于操作.

我全权负责该应用程序的开发,并构建了相应的CI/CD管道,使用GitHub Actions为多个目标平台编译二进制文件.

Shibber: Shibboleth Authentication Microservice

Shibber是一个微服务,用于代表部署在微服务架构中的应用程序处理Shibboleth身份验证握手. The service is a stateless, 云原生的替代工作流程,比如船舶服务提供商. Instead of running a full Apache Web Server with shibd installed, Shibber is a lightweight, Dockerized静态二进制文件,处理无状态的身份验证工作流,没有外部依赖.

I developed and implemented this microservice. To ensure quality, 通过安全性和遵从性以及身份和web服务进行了成功的审查.

“NACURH ART数据库”是一个移动优先的网络应用程序,允许用户跟踪他们在全国学院和大学宿舍协会(NACURH)内完成的顾问资源培训(ART)计划。.

前端使用Angular和Google Firebase (Firestore)构建, authentication, hosting) on the back end.

Housing Availability

一个接近实时可用的住房目录,供管理学生住房的学院/大学使用. 基于react的前端使用GraphQL与NestJS后端通信,并使信息保持最新,而最终用户无需刷新页面.

I built this application for a client to meet their needs, 随着时间的推移,增量改进允许更多的控制系统和输出.

Google Distributed Cloud Hosted
实现了为Google分布式云托管管理文件/块存储解决方案的Kubernetes控制器. 自定义Kubernetes操作员管理硬件供应和配置, as well as QoS and resource capacity limits.


Go, TypeScript, JavaScript, GraphQL, CSS, HTML, PHP, SAML, Python, Python 3, Google Apps Script, SCSS, PHP 7, SQL, YAML


Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), GitHub, Git, Helm, Firebase Authentication, Shibboleth, Apache, GitLab, Travis CI, Logging, SonarQube


Microservices, Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), REST, Web Architecture, API Architecture, BEM, RESTful Development, Best Practices, DevOps, Back-end Architecture


Software Engineering, APIs, Back-end Development, Leadership, CSV, Reflection, CI/CD Pipelines, JSON REST APIs, Google Cloud Build, Back-end, Distributed Systems, Firebase Hosting, Cookies, Authentication, User Authentication, Concurrency, Full-stack, WordPress Plugins, Front-end Development, Single-page Applications (SPA), DNS, Containers, TypeORM, Front-end, Code Architecture, UX Architecture, Architecture, Material Design, HTTP, OpenTracing, Structured Logging, OpenTelemetry, Static Analysis, Schemas, Multitenancy, Team Leadership, Cross-functional Team Leadership, Cross-functional Collaboration, Integration, API Integration, Containerization, Amazon RDS, Storage, Cloud Storage, Open Source, Lambda Functions


NestJS, Laravel, Angular, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Jest, Cypress, Flux, Angular Material, Material UI, gRPC, Swagger, Express.js


Node.js, React, REST APIs, Firebase Web SDK, Protobuf, OpenAPI, JSON API


Docker, Kubernetes, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), WordPress, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloud Native, AWS Lambda


MariaDB, MySQL, Cloud Firestore, JSON, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud SQL, Datadog, Relational Databases, JSON/XML Schemas, Google Cloud, NoSQL, Google Cloud Storage

2004 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Western Oregon University - Monmouth, OR

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