Meghana Bhange, Developer in Montreal, QC, Canada
Meghana is available for hire
Hire Meghana

Meghana Bhange

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Montreal, QC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
October 27, 2022

Meghana是一名机器学习工程师,热衷于以数据驱动的方式解决问题. 她目前正在可信信息系统实验室攻读硕士学位,研究重点是隐私保护技术, ÉTS Montréal. 她在自然语言处理方面有经验,之前曾在SemEval-2020上发表过作品. Meghana热衷于从事创造性项目,并总是寻找新的方法来应用她的技能.


UInclude, Inc
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning, GPT...
TISL Lab at ETS Montreal
Python 3, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Scikit-learn
Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, OpenAI, Next.js, FastAPI, DigitalOcean...




Preferred Environment


The most amazing...


Work Experience

AI Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
UInclude, Inc
  • 利用SpaCy和基于规则的引擎开发了一个特定于上下文的偏倚词匹配模型,以识别工作列表中的偏倚词.
  • 使用句子转换器和GPT-3创建了同义词扩充器,以发现上下文特定的同义词, 用无偏见的替代词取代工作列表中有偏见的词.
  • 使用AWS上的FastAPI端点部署模型,同时通过DynamoDB存储和查询数据.
Technologies: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Deep Learning, Python, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), FastAPI, SpaCy


2022 - PRESENT
TISL Lab at ETS Montreal
  • 研究了一个投诉申诉系统的隐私保护ML和数据发布.
  • 研究了基于反事实解释api的机器学习系统的模型提取攻击.
  • 建模一个可以利用反事实解释提供的信息来构建高保真度和高精度模型提取攻击的对手.
  • Benchmarked the model performance on the Folktables dataset, with the extracted model gaining fidelity of around 97.6%.
技术:Python 3,人工智能(AI), Scikit-learn

OpenAI Developer

2023 - 2023
  • 构建一个集成了GPT-3 API的FastAPI后端,生成旅行行程并提取地点. These locations were then geo-encoded with co-ordinates.
  • Built a Next.js应用程序显示旅行行程,并显示谷歌地图上的地理位置颜色代码对应的日子在旅行和有关每个位置的信息.
  • Dockerized and deployed both the FastAPI back end and Next.js front end to DigitalOcean.
Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), ChatGPT, OpenAI, Next.js, FastAPI, DigitalOcean, Large Language Models (LLMs), Natural Language Processing (NLP), GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Web Development, OpenAI GPT-3 API

Machine Learning Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • 研究并构建用于评估威胁搜索检测器和理解检测输出中的异常模式的分析工具.
  • 组织机器学习检测器的监控和质量检查基础设施.
  • Created a framework for deep investigation of threats.
Technologies: Python 3, Machine Learning, SQL, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, Scikit-learn, AI Design, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Amazon SageMaker, Kubernetes, APIs, Data Pipelines, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Data Engineering, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB

Machine Learning Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • 对意图识别服务做出贡献,使用句子转换器提高top-K的查全率和准确率, which improved F1 by 40% absolute.
  • 设计、构建并部署跨所有客户端的多语言名称识别服务.
  • 评估各种语言模型(如ULMFiT和VAMPIRE)在低资源语言上下文中的性能.
  • 使用生成式预训练变压器3 (GPT3)人工智能在聊天机器人中为FAQ系统创建合成训练数据.
Technologies: Machine Learning, Python 3, Pandas, SpaCy, Chatbots, OpenAI, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, Scikit-learn, AI Design, Django, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Speech Recognition, APIs, Web Development, Text Generation, Language Models, Large Language Models (LLMs), Flask, Data Pipelines, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Computational Linguistics, DaVinci, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), PostgreSQL

Machine Learning Intern

2019 - 2019
  • 创建了为多语言对话定制的人名提取器. Tweaked Flair, Facebook's natural language processing library, to work on low-latency use cases in English, Spanish, and French.
  • 与之前部署的FastText模式相比,最终模型在F1中的效率提高了47%.
  • 将开发的多语言名称提取器部署到生产环境中,总延迟低于500毫秒.
Technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Chatbots, Deep Learning, Scikit-learn, Text Generation, Language Models, Large Language Models (LLMs), Flask, PostgreSQL

Model Extraction Attack Using Counterfactual Explanation

这是我与ETS蒙特利尔可信信息系统实验室合作的一个研究项目. 我们研究了模型攻击者如何利用反事实解释提供的信息来构建高保真度和高精度的模型提取攻击.

LitNER | Literature Named Entity Recognition
基于Spacy3在LitBank数据集上训练的命名实体识别. 该项目使用Roberta XLM作为基础模型和经过微调的文献数据来理解文献中常用的术语. 该项目发布的预训练模型也可用于对任何文学文本执行NER任务.

Hinglish Twitter Sentiment Detection | SemEval2020
This work adds two common approaches, 微调大型变压器模型和采样高效方法,如ULMFiT. 先前的工作证明了经典ML方法对极性检测的有效性. We fine-tuned general-purpose languages representation models, such as those of the BERT family, 哪些是与经典机器学习和集成方法一起进行基准测试的. We showed that NB-SVM beats RoBERTa by 6.2%. 表现最好的模型是多数投票集成模型,其F1值为0.707.

Wikipedia Textbook Assistant

人工精神错乱(稳定扩散反人类卡牌)| total Hackathon

人工疯狂是一款面向Toptal黑客马拉松的多人游戏, 它使用稳定扩散生成文本提示的图像响应. In each round, a player chooses prompt, 和其他玩家使用集成的稳定扩散界面生成响应.

我根据DALLE和Stable Diffusion的质量和延迟对性能进行了基准测试. Also, 我在FastAPI上部署了最终的模型,使其更容易与后端的其余部分集成. The solution won the second prize in the Hackathon.


Python, SQL, Python 3


Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, APIs, Text Generation, Language Models, GPT, Data Engineering, Chatbots, OpenAI, AI Design, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Large Language Models (LLMs), Computational Linguistics, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), OpenAI GPT-3 API, Research, Streamlit, Transfer Learning, BERT, Signals, Information Theory, Custom BERT, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, FastAPI, Inference API, Speech Recognition, Web Development, DaVinci, Systems, ChatGPT, Cryptography, Information Technology, Prompt Engineering


Django, Flask, Next.js


Pandas, Scikit-learn, SpaCy, TensorFlow


数据管道,PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud


Slack, Named-entity Recognition (NER), Amazon SageMaker


Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), DigitalOcean, AWS Lambda

Industry Expertise


2023 - 2023

Master's Degree (Ongoing) in Information Technology Engineering

École de Technologie Supérieure - Montreal, Canada

2016 - 2020


Savitribai Phule Pune University - Pune, India