Nilson Souto, Developer in Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama, Panama
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Nilson Souto

Verified Expert  in Engineering

iOS Developer

Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama, Panama
Toptal Member Since
February 19, 2013

尼尔森在很小的时候第一次玩电子游戏后就开始用C/ c++编程. Over the last few years, he has worked on iOS applications mostly, and he's now focusing on game development, computer graphics, physics simulation, and vehicle simulation. He's also a 2D/3D technical artist.


Bullet, OGRE, Box2D, Cocos2d, iOS, OpenGL, 3D Graphics
Tessa Barton LLC
iOS,图像处理,视频编辑,Swift, AVFoundation, Core Image
SQLite, Box2D, Cocos2d, iOS




Preferred Environment

Sketch, term, Atom, Git, Xcode, MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Adobe Photoshop, Blender

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Freelance iOS Developer

2012 - PRESENT
  • 利用UIKit为iPhone和iPad开发具有定制用户界面的应用程序, animations, and transitions.
  • Implemented geolocation services in iOS apps.
  • Maintained open-source projects on GitHub.
  • Taught online courses using the Edukee platform, targeted specifically at game development and computer graphics for iOS, using Cocos2D and Box2D, among other tools and frameworks.
  • Presented talks at a number of events.
  • 使用OpenGL和AVFoundation实现自定义照片和视频过滤器.
  • 创建和维护运行在AWS EC2上的iOS应用程序的后端.
  • 开始制作一款驾驶/赛车游戏,专注于逼真的车辆模拟, using C++ and Qt for tools.
Technologies: Bullet, OGRE, Box2D, Cocos2d, iOS, OpenGL, 3D Graphics

iOS Developer | Photo/Video Manipulation

2019 - 2021
Tessa Barton LLC
  • 开发了一个专注于图像和视频编辑的应用程序,利用了AVFoundation的高级功能.
  • Developed a small back end that required using the server-side Swift.
  • Worked on fixing bugs reported by the many users of this app.
技术:iOS,图像处理,视频编辑,Swift, AVFoundation, Core Image

iOS Developer

2011 - 2011
  • Developed and maintained a variety of iOS applications.
  • 开发了一款家庭自动化应用程序,允许用户控制家中/办公室的设备并访问实时摄像头馈送.
  • Wrote code to communicate with SOAP and REST web services.
  • Wrote an interactive page-flipping algorithm for iPad eBooks. Derived the formulas to implement said algorithm, 并使用Core Graphics和Core Animation来实现所需的效果.
  • 使用Box2D物理引擎为电子书中的各种场景设置物理模拟.
Technologies: SQLite, Box2D, Cocos2d, iOS

Mobile Developer

2010 - 2011
  • 开发了与REST web服务通信并积极使用推送通知的应用程序.
  • 使用花栗鼠物理引擎为电子书中的各种场景设置物理模拟.
  • 为了在地图上绘制路线,使用四叉树编写了一个折线绘制优化算法, supporting polylines of over 10,000 vertices in real time.
  • 使用Cocos3D引擎为iPhone和iPad开发了一些3D应用和演示.
  • 开发了几个HTML5图像样本,使用它的新(当时)3D功能.
Technologies: Android, Chipmunk, Cocos3d, Cocos2d, iOS

Edyn | Real-time Physics Engine Organized as ECS
Edyn (pronunciation: "eh-dyin'") stands for Entity Dynamics, 它是一个使用惊人的EnTT库组织成ECS(实体组件系统)的实时物理引擎. 这个库的主要目标是多线程,并支持大型动态世界的网络和分布式物理模拟.

Worked on the FotoZap suite of applications for picture marketing. 它们是照片和视频捕捉应用程序,可以在无人值守的iPad设备上以kiosk模式运行. 他们广泛使用AVFoundation进行照片和视频捕获和处理, and also Metal for real-time image filtering and chroma keying.

Elevatr (previously Docz)

使用MVVM架构在Swift中从头开始开发iPhone应用程序. 这个应用程序广泛使用了先进的UIKit功能来呈现动态表视图和集合视图,这些视图在滚动和刷新现有项目时加载更多项目,最终使事物始终保持最新状态.

I also wrote and managed the Parse back-end using JavaScript and Node.js.


Developed the personal SplashCam app with a friend, 它可以让你在拍摄照片时突出某些颜色,而其他颜色则保持黑色 & white (also known as the 'color splash effect'). 这款游戏当时非常受欢迎,在许多国家都登上了苹果应用商店的前1名.


Developed Pergunter app, 它允许你用照片或视频发布问题,并只与你的朋友或整个Pergunter社区分享,以找到正确的答案.

1000 Images

Presents a gallery of paintings by Carlos Araujo.

Pix apps

Developed Pix app, 这为使用无限的二维滚动屏发现应用程序提供了一个新的维度.

Olimpíadas 2012

让您随时了解2012年奥运会的最新消息和状态. Sponsored by Caixa.

Marina de la Riva

Developed an app for the singer Marina de la Riva, which allows you to follow her updates on Twitter and Facebook, watch her videos on YouTube, see her recent photos in Flickr, listen to her songs in SoundCloud, and keep up-to-date with her schedule.

Menino Maluquinho

Contributed to interactive book for the iPad, 主要参与包含物理模拟(用Box2d制作)和动态和交互式翻页动画的场景.

A menina do Nariz Arrebitado

Contributed to interactive book for iPad, 包括对代码的完整重构,使其可重用和可维护. 此外,手工制作物理模拟场景(用花栗鼠物理制作).


Swift, C++, Objective-C, C, GLSL, C++17


Bullet, Box2D, UIKit, Core Data, Qt, Cocos2d, Cocos3d, Chipmunk, OGRE


Core Animation, Core Graphics, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Parse SDK, Core Image


Adobe Photoshop, Git, Xcode, 3ds Max, Blender, Sketch, Atom, ITerm, Photoshop 2018




MacOS, iOS, Linux, Android, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


3D Modeling, AVFoundation, Physics Simulations, 3D Animation, Computer Graphics, Machine Learning, Game Development, 3D Graphics, Image Manipulation, Video Editing, Physics, Game Physics


SQLite, PostGIS, PostgreSQL

2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Science and Technology

Universidade Federal do ABC - Santo André, Brazil

2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Universidade Federal do ABC - Santo André, Brazil

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