Viktor Kyriazakos,雅典开发者,雅典中部,希腊
Viktor is available for hire
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Viktor Kyriazakos

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Augmented Reality (AR) Developer

Athens, Central Athens, Greece
Toptal Member Since
April 22, 2019

维克托是一位以结果为导向的多学科专业人士,具有卓越的逻辑和分析能力. 他在增强现实和混合现实领域拥有超过五年的经验, computer vision, and graphics for mobile platforms. 在AR和R领域交付了许多成功的项目&D,他渴望接受新的项目,将利用和扩大他的机器学习和人工智能技能.


Verizon Media
Leadership, Computer Vision, Three.js, TensorFlow, JavaScript, TypeScript...
Verizon Media
Android OpenGL, GLSL, c++,混合现实(MR), 5G,深度学习,OpenCV...
Verizon Media
领导力,3D图形,Android,增强现实(AR), ARCore, Kotlin, Java




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio, Android Studio, Windows

The most amazing...

...我参与的一个项目是NFL的粉丝参与AR应用, 在那里,用户可以查看实时统计数据,并可视化放置在真实场地上的AR内容的重要作用.

Work Experience

R&D Team Lead

2020 - 2020
Verizon Media
  • Led a small, remote R&该团队是为公司计划而组建的,旨在利用深度学习技术丰富web AR沉浸式平台的新功能.
  • 与产品组合作,确定技术限制和可能的用例,并为新特性创建规范和交付路线图.
  • 设计并创建WebAR沙盒环境,用于测试和开发基于web的深度学习方法.
  • WebAR平台增加了实时面部追踪功能, allowing web-based face filters, virtual try-ons, and other face-based AR experiences.
Technologies: Leadership, Computer Vision, Three.js, TensorFlow, JavaScript, TypeScript,深度学习,WebXR

Lead AR Engineer

2019 - 2020
Verizon Media
  • 领导AR和5G公司的开发活动,创建电影级交互式电影海报体验,利用专有的AR远程渲染技术和5G实现高端AR图形的移动体验.
  • 管理和领导粉丝参与AR应用程序的开发(Android和iOS), exclusive to in-stadium NFL fans (SuperBowl LIV,) that displays AR content with live player stats, big plays, and other game content on the real field.
  • 共同设计并开发了一种专有的足球场跟踪算法(专利申请中),实现了实时, long-distance, NFL球场的3D跟踪,使移动应用程序能够在真实的球场上显示AR内容.
  • 设计并创建了一个自定义的混合现实远程渲染系统,该系统结合了服务器端渲染, chroma-keying techniques, 以及自定义延迟补偿算法,用于创建显示远程渲染的Android应用程序, high-quality MR content.
  • 创建了一个自定义的c++和UE4插件,以扩展Pixel Streaming功能,并允许远程客户端移动设备在3D场景中控制虚拟AR相机.
  • 开发了一个Android VR应用程序,可以渲染远程渲染的VR场景, utilizing remote rendering technology (UE4), 并实现了自定义客户机-服务器协议,将服务器端虚拟摄像机与移动设备的姿态进行镜像.
Technologies: Android OpenGL, GLSL, c++,混合现实(MR), 5G,深度学习,OpenCV, Computer Vision, ARKit, ARCore, H264, Unreal Engine 4, iOS, Kotlin, Android

Senior Android AR Developer

2019 - 2019
Verizon Media
  • 加入一个已建立的小型远程团队,将Android沉浸式平台SDK推向生产. 它由VMG集团的众多应用程序集成,可以轻松实现动态AR体验和AR广告,通过内容交付网络提供服务.
  • 在Android SDK的功能与iOS平台相当方面发挥了关键作用, 包括图形功能和用户体验规范.
  • 为备受瞩目的AR体验原型的开发排除故障并扫清障碍, 优化实时视频流接收和渲染,确保实时性.

Senior Android AR Developer

2018 - 2019
  • 与柏林初创公司ForwardGameAR合作开发粉丝粘性游戏化项目Schalke-Quest和Telekom Dome,担任首席Android开发者.
  • 共同设计和开发了设备对设备通信协议和可重用的后端通信框架(蓝牙), SocketIO, REST).
  • 成功将现有的iOS功能和UI迁移到Android,并随着iOS相应版本的发展而进步.
  • 优化开源UI/UX和Mapbox库,满足项目高性能规范.
  • 使用OpenGL和自定义场景从iOS开发和迁移AR游戏, physics, and asset management.
  • Developed four (4) custom multi-player AR games.
Technologies: Bluetooth, Socket.IO, Mapbox, OpenGL, ARCore, Android SDK, Java

Principal R&D Engineer

2016 - 2018
Center for Research & Technology Hellas
  • 完成临床评估/监测app端到端的设计与开发(Android).
  • Designed, developed, 并临床评估了两款针对头戴设备和平板电脑的AR严肃游戏(Android/ c++).
  • 在项目技术评审前,成功规划并完成已开发组件到集成平台的集成.
技术:MATLAB, Android, OpenCV, GLSL, Python, Java, c++

Research Associate

2014 - 2016
University of Patras
  • 开发跨平台沙盒环境(Windows/Android),用于原型化AR应用和计算机视觉算法.
  • 设计和开发关键模块/接口(物理模拟), PBR rendering, user-perspective view, hand gesture recognition, and eye-tracking), part of an MR cross-platform SDK.
  • 重新设计了计算机视觉课程,并使用c++和OpenCV创建了一套现代实验练习.
技术:Bullet, JNI, Android, OpenGL, OpenCV, Java, c++

MOMIRAS (Mobile MIxed Reality Systems)

Momiras旨在通过提供一套完整的工具来满足市场对下一代ar应用和服务的期望和需求,这些工具既可以改进当前支持的3D增强现实功能,也可以通过利用新技术和算法(例如:3D增强现实)来扩展它们.g. adaptive scene interactions, 交互模拟引擎利用视听线索优化身临其境的体验, etc.).

为用户视角视图开发ar相关算法, illumination estimation, dynamic simulations, and gesture recognition, targeted at mobile devices.

管理主要项目组成部分的设计和规划,处理与项目合作伙伴和分布团队的沟通. 设计了可扩展的跨平台核心处理模块接口和体系结构. 开发创新的实时RGB-D图像处理算法,用于视频透明设备(平板电脑)的用户视角视图. 开发高性能光照条件估计算法,用于内聚增强和逼真渲染. Ιntegrated动态仿真等子模块功能,以核心模块API为主. 开发Android应用程序,展示平台的特点和功能.

FrailSafe aims to better understand frailty and its relation to co-morbidities; to identify quantitative and qualitative measures of frailty through advanced data mining approaches on multiparametric data and use them to predict short and long-term outcome and risk of frailty; to develop real-life sensing (physical, cognitive, psychological, social) and intervention (guidelines, real-time feedback, augmented reality serious games) platform offering physiological reserve and external challenges; to provide a digital patient model of frailty sensitive to several dynamic parameters, including physiological, behavioral, and contextual.

管理与临床合作伙伴的计划和沟通, cross-functional, and distributed teams for major project tasks.

为光学透明头戴式显示器和平板电脑开发跨平台AR游戏. 为定制硬件(Android和Windows的蓝牙/Wi-fi)和外部传感器组件开发无线通信模块. 开发实时图像处理算法,通过前置摄像头进行非接触式心脏和心率变异性(HRV)测量. 开发了基于gps的位置跟踪服务,用于活动监控和方向丢失检测.



Key responsibilities:
•实现基于i2c的GPIO扩展(PCA95555)和EEPROM (24AA64SN)模块的软件
•使用基于spi的W5500 Wizchip以太网模块实现用于CRUD操作和远程配置的HTTP服务器/客户端

Technologies Used:
• C++/C, Keil (IDE)
• Kalamogdarti

SchalkeQuest: Schalke04体育俱乐部粉丝参与游戏化项目
开发了一款户外地图游戏的Android版本, where the user collects boxes and player cards, answers quiz challenges, duels other players, and participates in AR mini-games, in an adventure to win prizes from Schalke 04.

Key responsibilities:
• Developed & 使用OpenGL和自定义场景、物理和资产管理从iOS迁移AR游戏.
•将UX设计推进到Android UI实现(高度交互UI/高级动画).
设计和开发用于设备到设备通信的可重用Java框架, BLE discovery, and REST-based communication with app back-end.

Technologies Used:
•Java, Android SDK, ARCore, MapBox, OpenGL, SocketIO, REST,蓝牙,定位跟踪(GPS)

Telekom Dome: Telekom波恩篮子的粉丝参与游戏化项目
领导该应用的Android版本的开发, made for Telekom Bonn Baskets, encapsulating a) indoors navigation, b) live streaming services, and c) a tournament-based game, played by the fans around Telekom Dome Stadium, consisting of multi-player challenges and AR games.

Key responsibilities:
• Consumption of back-end API & 将现有的Java通信框架与应用程序需求相匹配.
•将UX设计进展到Android UI实现.

Technologies Used:
• Java, Android SDK, ARCore, MapBox, MapWise, OpenGL, SocketIO, REST, Bluetooth, Location tracking (GPS)

myAirCoach: Analysis, Modeling, 以及感知生理和环境因素对哮喘个性化和预测性自我管理的影响

myAirCoach项目旨在通过移动健康帮助哮喘患者控制病情. New monitoring approaches, combined with the development of novel sensors, 是否会形成一个系统来满足患者的日常需求. Analysis, modeling, 对疾病症状的预测将有助于刺激患者参与健康管理, 也增加了人们对移动医疗控制哮喘的可能性的认识.


Key responsibilities:


c++, Java 8, c++ 11, Python, C, GLSL, Java, Kotlin, TypeScript, JavaScript


Android SDK, Boost, Qt, Microsoft Kinect, OpenNI, JNI, Bullet, Unreal Engine 4, ARKit


Android OpenGL, OpenCV, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Eigen, Socket.IO, WebXR, TensorFlow, Three.js


Git, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Android Studio, CMake, Android NDK, Qt Creator, Visual Studio, MATLAB


ARCore, Android, Vuforia, Windows, Mapbox, iOS, NVIDIA CUDA


Augmented Reality (AR), OOP Designs, Concurrent Computing, GPU Computing, Computational Geometry, Android Emulators, Shaders, Bluetooth, 3D Graphics, H264, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, 5G, Mixed Reality (MR), Leadership, Statistical Analysis




Microsoft SQL Server

2009 - 2014

Master's Degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Patras - Patras, Greece