Eugene Zabotnev,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的开发者
Eugene is available for hire
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Eugene Zabotnev

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Mobile Developer

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
March 31, 2020

Eugene是一名资深手机开发者,拥有近10年使用原生iOS/Android和跨平台Xamarin/Cocos2d-x方法开发手机应用的经验. He has built products for B2B and B2C companies, banks, in-house for large organizations, games, and apps for children. 他的专长包括X5零售集团(类似沃尔玛的俄罗斯领先食品零售商)或HiQ等大公司以及多家初创公司.


RealmSwift, REST api, Android Studio, Xcode,动画,移动应用开发...
X5 Retail Group
RealmSwift, REST api, Android Studio, Xcode, Enterprise...
Prime Run, LLC.
Kotlin, REST api, Android Studio, Xcode,游戏开发,动画...




Preferred Environment

Sketch, Tcpdump, Wireshark, Jira, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, Xcode, Linux, Figma

The most amazing...

...我开发的实时外汇交易应用叫做二元期权. 它有令人兴奋的图像,有趣的动画和可测试的应用程序架构.

Work Experience

Senior Mobile Developer and Mobile Team Leader

2019 - PRESENT
  • 为同意管理平台开发Android TV SDK.
  • 与团队合作开发iOS移动SDK广告网络.
  • 参与音乐/视频播放器iOS应用程序的开发. I was in charge of its player/playlist features.
Technologies: RealmSwift, REST api, Android Studio, Xcode,动画,移动应用开发, Mobile Development, Git, Android, iOS, Java, Objective-C, Kotlin, Swift

Mobile Team Leader

2017 - 2019
X5 Retail Group
  • 领导多个团队为内部员工和客户开发了超过25个移动应用程序.
  • 负责iOS和Android应用程序的实际代码编写.
  • 执行内部移动开发的CI/CD实践.
  • 编写内部移动开发的标准操作程序.
Technologies: RealmSwift, REST api, Android Studio, Xcode, Enterprise, Mobile App Development, Mobile Development, Git, Android, iOS, Dagger 2, RxJava, Java, Kotlin, Objective-C, Swift

Senior Mobile Developer and Co-founder

2013 - 2018
Prime Run, LLC.
  • Developed a series of native apps for iOS/Android, 它允许用户集体修改他们的照片, share them with friends, and talk in a built-in chat.
  • 为3 - 5岁儿童开发了一系列跨平台应用.). The apps help them learn numbers, how to count, the basics of math, 并使用谜题和联想来加强学习.
  • 开发了一款追踪用户位置的安卓应用, monitoring device status, information, and other elements.
Technologies: Kotlin, REST api, Android Studio, Xcode,游戏开发,动画, Mobile App Development, Mobile Development, Git, Android, iOS, Cocos2d-x, Objective-C, Java

Senior Mobile Developer

2016 - 2017
Binatex, LLC.
  • 带领团队开发一个二元期权移动应用程序.
  • Developed an iOS application from start to finish.
  • Participated in Android app development. Designed the mobile apps' architecture.
Technologies: REST APIs, Android Studio, Xcode, Animation, Mobile App Development, Mobile Development, Git, Android, iOS, WebSockets, Java, Objective-C, Swift

Senior Mobile Developer

2014 - 2016
HiQ Mobileyes, LLC.
  • 为一家瑞典健身连锁店开发了一款iOS营销应用.
  • 在8 - 10人的开发团队中工作,开发大型iOS/Android手机银行应用(芬兰).
  • 为智能家居自动化系统开发跨平台应用(Xamarin).
Technologies: RealmSwift, REST APIs, Android Studio, Xcode, Game Development, Animation, Mobile App Development, Mobile Development, Git, Android, iOS, Xamarin, Swift, Objective-C, Java

C++/C# Software Developer

2011 - 2013
Fitting Reality, LLC.
  • 在虚拟试衣间启动项目的团队中扮演重要角色.
  • 参与2D骨架编辑器的开发(c#, XAML, Silverlight, Windows phone).
  • 基于微软Kinect骨骼关节和球体、胶囊等几何基元,开发动态三维人体(C/ c++), OGRE 3D, Kinect SDK).
  • 帮助实现了一个实体服装模拟模块.
技术:REST api,游戏开发,Git, OGRE, Microsoft Kinect, Windows Phone, XAML, c#, c++

PHP/JavaScript Developer

2011 - 2011
QSoft, LLC.
  • Worked within a team on multiple large web projects.
  • 根据客户需求开发新功能.
  • 使用Jira作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
Technologies: REST APIs, PHP, JavaScript

Junior Engineer

2009 - 2011
Comtelco, LLC.
  • 负责一家小型电话公司内部的网络架构.
  • 解决网络系统管理方面的技术问题(VoIP, SIP, RTP, Cisco).
  • 与客户沟通,提供技术支持.
技术:RTP, SIP, VoIP, Perl, Bash, Linux, Cisco

Binary Options App
个人创建了一个基于swift的外汇和股票交易监控应用程序,并提供演示模式,让交易者掌握交易技巧. 该应用程序通过网络插座接收来自交易平台的最受欢迎的实时报价,并将其呈现在动画图表上. 我还设计了Android应用的架构,并参与了它的开发.

Youtube and SoundCloud Video/Audio Streaming App
A Swift-based iOS music/video player app.
主要功能:搜索流行曲目,视频和播放列表. 使用户能够建立自己的播放列表和音轨库,并发现新的艺术家和流派.


Android TV SDK
Android TV的SDK许可管理系统Didomi:

基于该平台现有的移动SDK版本,我对其进行了扩展,以支持Android电视设备. 我还积极参与了Android手机SDK的开发, enriching it with new features.

Fitness App

Primerun Apps for Adult Kids

Online Banking App S-Pankki
一个巨大的B2C Android应用程序,提供大部分S-Pankki在线银行功能. This was a long-term project. 我是一名高级移动应用开发人员,负责保险、忠诚度和NFC模块的开发. I improved the existing mobile app architecture.

Primerun Apps for Kids
为五岁以下儿童设计的一系列2D游戏,帮助他们学习数字, how to count, colors, associations, and practice with various puzzles. 所有这些应用都是用c++编写的,使用Cocos2D-X作为跨平台框架.


Kotlin, Java, Swift, Objective-C, Dart, XML, c#, c++, Bash, Perl, JavaScript, PHP, XAML


Git, Fastlane, Wireshark, Zeplin, Android Studio, Xcode, Jira, Google Assistant, IntelliJ IDEA, Confluence, Tcpdump, NGINX, RabbitMQ, Blender, Sketch, Figma


VIPER Architecture, Model View Viewmodel (MVVM), Model View Presenter (MVP), Mobile Development, Dependency Injection, Model View Intent (MVI), RESTful Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Scrum, REST, Unit Testing, Requirements Analysis


iOS, Android, Telegram Bot Platform, Android TV, JavaFX, Docker, Xamarin, Linux, Windows Phone, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase


Mobile Apps, Architecture, Mobile App Development, Telegram Bots, State Machines, SOLID Principles, Domain-driven Design (DDD), Animation, Mobile GPS, Enterprise, APIs, Code Architecture, SDKs, Game Development, Mobile Game Development, Games, Technical Leadership, Networks, OSI Model, Cisco, VoIP, SIP, RTP, WebSockets, OSC API, AVFoundation, Bluetooth, GPS, Forex, Near-field Communication (NFC), Room, Stock Market, Stock Trading


Unity, RealmSwift, Dagger 2, Cocos2d-x, Unity3D, Rx, .. NET、iOS SDK、Android SDK、Microsoft Kinect、OGRE、Spring、WebFlux、Cocos2d、Flutter


Telegram Messenger API, Telegram Bot API, RxJava, RxSwift, REST APIs, Android Architecture Components, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, iOS原生库,ImageMagick, YouTube API, SoundCloud API


JSON, Realm, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Industry Expertise


2006 - 2012

Specialist Degree (Master's Equivalent) in Physics

Lomonosov Moscow State University - Moscow, Russia